When I first started interviewing Kasper, I realized how difficult it was to construct questions on the spot as apposed to planning them out before hand. However it first started easy as Kasper was from Poland, therefore opening up a few good questions to get started with. Once those were exhausted we transitioned into talking about Manchester itself and favorite places to eat. Then, of course, I had to ask about music and what he was into, learning of some new genres and bands myself. We then talked a bit about movies, what he was into, and I used the clip from when he talked about Star Wars as a funny intro and finally was able to end it there. I realized as I was interviewing him, I made some unnecessary comments back which were a bit difficult to edit out later without making it look choppy. I also realized I forgot to ask him to repeat the questions, forcing me to add title cards with the questions in them. I decided to you a bit more of video b-roll just because I felt that it transitioned smoothly between topics and allowed for more movement rather than just panning across the picture.
It honestly felt almost natural to be interviewed. I'm one who likes to talk and go one about subjects so being interviewed and in front of a camera hasn't been much of a challenge to me. It really just felt like I was almost performing, looking good, and keeping chill for an audience. Plus its always fun thinking about, as a musician, what kind of questions and responses you would give when being interviewed professionally. I think next time, when being interviewed, i tend to scrunch up my face a bit when laughing and sometimes smiling so I might change that, otherwise I enjoyed it!
I think being D.P. for the first time it was a really interesting experience. When I was D.P. this required me to set up the shot to it was split into the rule of thirds and just her head and shoulders were being shown. I then also set up a key light so the light would shine into her eye and make them more lively. However, this light did set the exposure a bit high after it bounced off the wall a bit but it wasn't too noticeable. I think next time I might find a more interesting location to film in such as a library background or someplace where the cushions aren't as fluffy, as it was kind of hard to sit up properly in them.
- Used to add extra images or video of the subject the interviewee is talking about
Video Server
- Computer based device dedicated to delivering video
Rule of thirds
- How a shot is composed, where a person is set.
Where are the lights and light stands?
- Bottom shelf next to the door
Where do the batteries get charged when you are finished?
- Table to the right of the self, left of the couches
Lavalier Mic (Lav Mic)
- Mic clipped on to the interviewee
Canon T3I / T5I
- A DSLR camera, a step up from the Canon Vixias
Director of Photography (DP)
- Person in charge of framing the shot
Dissolve or fade
- Transition between two clips
- Adding in B-roll, cutting clips, color correcting, correcting the exposure.
- Person in charge of editing
Lower thirds
- How someone is framed in the shot
Shoe / Quick Release plate
- Screwed on to the bottom of the camera, used to secure the camera to the tripod.
- Used to edit B-roll
Ken Burns effect
- Effect used to zoom and add motion to pictures.
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