First Plushie Film

When I first was sent out to film, I didn't really know what kind of film I should start with no planning or storyboard. So I decided to just start filming the plushie in random locations. I then thought of the equally cheesy but fun song Spanish Flea by Herb Albert. I then began to think of how I could edit around that song, thinking of the different beats I would be able to edit the plushie to move to. So I just started putting him in random places like the stairs, tree, and walls and just began shooting different shots, whether it be panning shots, zooming in, panning down, and zooming out. Really my point of the film was just to make something fun I would enjoy doing so I would be able to learn my way around the camera and learn some of the functions of Final Cut Pro. I think I used an excessive amount of zoom but also didn't use as much as I shot. The first time using the camera wasn't too difficult, I understood most of the functions considering I've had a bit of experience around cameras. I think next time, for the second plushie film, I'm going to plan out a cohesive story and make better use of my shots, rather than just shooting at random. I think I'm also going to make better use of the type of music I'm going to use and some of the beats thats fall.

Second Plushie Film

For the second plushie film I wanted it to be more cohesive and have more of a story to it. I saw it snowing outside so I wanted it to be a bit cinematic. I thought and drew up a quick story board with my excellent drawing skills of a classic love story where two plushies find love at first sight and go on an adventure. I took my shots based on my story board, wanting to add a sense of love rather than just something silly. For the first shots, I did over the shoulder to add a sense of isolation and loneliness. Then to add a sentimental mood, I added in closeups on the face and panning away shots of the two together. I think this film was a bit easier than the last because I had a set plan and knew exactly what I was doing. 


Brian Gawlik

Responsible for the BBA cinema program

Gawlik Room

- Room dedicated to Brian Gawlik and used for editing, filming,  a quiet space, etc.

Canon Vixia

Camcorder used for our first films, starter cameras,


Small portion of filmed video


To cut down a video, add in clips together, and bring the video together 

Event (in FCPX)

Way to organize each project 

Final Cut Pro X (FCPX)

- Editing software 

“Fix it in Post”

- Fix small things like stabilization, sound, color, etc.

Initializing SD Card in Canon Vixia

- Erasing information from the SD you don't need

Jonathon Levin

- Teacher who taught in the inner city and was killed, inspired and connected with students.

Library (in FCPX)

"user" or person's collection in final cut.

“Lock it down / or lock it up”

- Shut up

BBA News Room

- Previous cinema department, Alex Vincent's Room 


- Planning, Script, Story board, etc.


Editing, color correction, stabilization, etc.

Project (in FCPX)

- A completely separate video that you can edit


- One portion of a clip


- storyline at the bottom at of final cut